Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Spooktacular Fun!

Just catching up on pics. This past month, we've enjoyed the pumpkin patch, trick or treating and Canton with my girlfriends! We spent our Halloween with friends Ken and Stacy and their boys Kennedy and Slader along with Lynn and the girls. We had pizza (thanks, Lynn!) and Bloody Mary's! Mmmmmm... Here are some pics from the last few weeks. Enjoy!

"Is this the one?"

She-She and G joined us for Drew's Halloween Party at school...

Pirate Drew

Prettiest Little Witch...

Rock On, Rocker Baby

More cute pictures of Baby Sofia!!

Kenna has decided she loves crawling up in my chair and "working" like mommy. She even uses the mouse like she knows what she is doing! So, we gave her her own keyboard and a chair in the office, so I can get some actual work done, and she can still feel like she is "working".

Kenna just being cute :)

Drew being cute...

'Til Next Time!


Dana said...

Cute Halloween costumes! I love Pirate Drew! :o) Arrrgggg!

April Kay said...

Hi Lisha! Just wanted to visit your blog and check our your family! :) Thank you so much for allowing my friends and me to bug you like crazy about our million and one requests! We love all of your work!! I've added your blog to my blog list. :)