Monday, January 7, 2008

Lordy, Lordy Look Who's......

A most special birthday tribute to our favorite man, Bobby Carroll Snyder!!!! Today is Bobby's 40th! We have spent the weekend celebrating (The 4 days of Bobby's 40th Birthday) starting Friday with dinner downtown and a trip to see the Dallas Maverick's with the kids. Saturday, we made homemade pizzas and went to Strikz to bowl and play video games. Sunday was VERY low-key - lots of sleeping :). We grilled out and watched a couple of movies. We happened to finish one movie at 11:59 so me, Carrine and Bobby enjoyed a little birthday cake followed by another movie! Today, we served breakfast in bed and Bobby is off now doing his favorite "relaxation" sport of paddling. He was supposed to get a massage today, but I think he is rethinking that idea - sounds good to me, but hey - it's HIS birthday! He wanted low-key and time with the family, so that is what he is getting! We are both off today and Carrine is here, so we hope to do a little more celebrating tonight! We are planning a more "formal and fun" celebration this Spring - snow-skiing somewhere....?

Happy Birthday, Bobby - we love you tons. You are the absolute most fantastic father, husband and friend in the world, and we are all lucky to you have you in our lives and are better people for knowing you!!!

Your adoring family~
Lisha, Carrine, Clara, Drew and Kenna

(And, just for an "awwww".... I asked Drew what he wanted to put on Bobby's birthday card - I wrote it down word for word, and he signed it. It was so cute, I thought I would share:)

"Daddy - Happy Birthday to you. Do you want to be a family? You are my best friend, and I love you ~ Drew"


Happy Birthday, My Love!!!!

Bowling pics.... Carrine and Drew

Bobby helping Drew bowl

Kenna giving Daddy sloppy birthday kisses!

Pretty girls!

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