Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's My Blog and I'll Brag If I Want To

Okay, so I stole that title from a magazine, but I thought it was funny. And what is a blog really? Just to give you a laugh, keep you informed on our lives and, of course, brag a little!!!

So, where should I start? I guess I will start with the youngest and work up!

Kenna Bean is growing like crazy! Okay, so not in size - she is still just a teeny 14 pounds, but she has her first two teeth, she's starting to crawl, she is saying da da, daddy, ma ma and bu bu. Of course, I am sure she doesn't know what these mean yet, although, she will look at Bobby and say "daddy" - sounds more like da (pause) dee. She started out saying bbbbbbb, so Drew is convinced her first word was Bubba. (We won't tell him otherwise). She is the sweetest little thing - sleeps so well, eats well and has the sweetest disposition. She also loves watching Drew play and will deep belly laugh over him flipping a plastic fork - it's priceless.

"Why do you always have me in these crazy hats?"

Doing her "skydiving" pose - feet up, hands up, belly on the floor...

"Feed me woman!"
Starting to crawl....
Drew is still all boy. Loves doing his Power Ranger moves, playing on the computer and watching TV. He'll be 4 on the 25th - can you hear me weaping? FOUR! Where does the time go!!! He is hilarious, though, and very smart. The other day I told him to get dressed for school. He said "You're bossy!". I said "Excuse me, what did you say"? He then sheepishly said "I said you're the boss of me". He thinks he is so funny. And, he is, actually.... He had an ear infection last week - running 102.2 fever, hopped up on meds. He gets up off of the couch after a 3 hour nap and comes in the kitchen to me and Bobby. In a low, sickly voice, he said "Mommy, do I have something on my bottom", as he turns around to proudly display a large Spiderman sticker that he had placed there. He then giggled and went back to lay down. I thought - this kid is hilarious - he is sick, in pain with an ear infection, yet still has the energy to muster up a funny!!!

Clara is busy with school and dance. She is still sweet as ever, although, a little "teenager" does come out in her every now and then. I actually think it is kind of funny to see her with a little attitude sometimes! She has always been the sweetest, most polite, thoughtful kid and for her to roll her eyes at my horrible singing in the car or not want to hang out with us EVERY weekend just reminds me that she is growing up and won't always want to be with us every second like we'd like! Although, she IS still the sweetest thing - Bobby, me, Drew and Kenna managed to sit through a 4 hour Spring Fling (for her dance). Yes, all of us made it the entire 4 hours without incident. But, it was painful. 61 dances and Clara was in about 4. And, of course, she was in the second to the last performance, so we couldn't get up and leave early :) The fact that we spent an entire afternoon in a gym watching kids who shouldn't really be in leotards dance like they could didn't get by Clara one bit... afterwards she thanked us for being there like we had donated a kidney to her or something. But, that's just her - always thankful and thinking of others.
Carrine is also busy with her junior year in college. After Italy this past fall, she decided to stay home and go to UNT. This is exciting to all of us, as we get to see her more often and don't have to drive 5 hours to do it! Although, we don't see her as much as we'd like. When she is not in school, she babysits for 2 families throughout the week and then spends weekends with her friends. I still don't get that. I mean, what 19 year old wouldn't want to spend the weekends with her dad, obnoxious step-mom, 3 year old little brother and a baby sister! Sounds like loads of fun, right?
***I apologize for the lack of pictures of the girls - they are just not around enough for me to snap pictures of their pretty little faces! We are having a Girl's Double Scary Movie Night on Friday, so we will take tons then!!!
As for me and Bobby, I am still trying to figure out a workable schedule so that I can spend some of my time during the week in the sales office for my company while having "kid-coverage" and then finding time to do stationery orders. Oh, and I guess somewhere in there, I need to clean the house, do laundry, cook, grocery shop, pay bills and spend time with my family - not necessarily in that order. Bobby is training for "the race I swear I will never do again" - the Texas Water Safari. He is doing it this summer in another 3-person boat with Mike Stinson and some poor woman they suckered in to joining them this year. He is also doing a running program, so between that, the paddling, his work and the family, he stays pretty busy.
That's all for now! I will really try to stay more on top of my blogging! I get reprimanded from friends for not keeping it up-to-date - but, probably just because I hound them to update theirs!!!
'Til Next Time, My Friends...

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